Meet the team!

Gamze Gürsoy
Principal Investigator
gamze.gursoy at Website Room Number: NYGC 617 / NYP PH20-401AGamze is the Herbert Irving Assistant Professor at the Department of Biomedical Informatics (and in Computer Science) at Columbia University. She was previously a K99/R00 postdoctoral fellow at Computational Biology and Bioinformatics program of Yale University with Mark Gerstein. She obtained her Ph.D. in Bioinformatics from University of Illinois at Chicago under the supervision of Jie Liang and her B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering from Bogazici University in Istanbul, Turkey.

Seungwan Hong
Postdoctoral Research Associate
shong at Room Number: NYGC 624BSeungwan is a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the lab. He received his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Mathematical Science, Seoul National University in Seoul, South Korea, advised by Prof. Jung Hee Cheon. His main research topics are practical aspects of cryptosystems, including homomorphic encryption and privacy-preserving machine learning applications.

Kirill Nikitin
Postdoctoral Research Associate
knikitin at Room Number: NYGC 624CKirill is a postdoctoral research associate in the lab. Previously, he completed his PhD in computer science at EPFL, advised by Bryan Ford, and worked as a postdoc with Vitaly Shmatikov at Cornell Tech. Having specialized in protecting communication privacy and data retrieval, Kirill now strives to build real-world solutions for privacy-preserving analysis and sharing of genomic data. During his leisure time, he enjoys going to theatre plays, learning bachata, and dining in outer boroughs.

Sydney Conner
Postdoctoral Research Associate
sconner at Room Number: NYGC 6th Floor Pod ASydney is a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the lab. She is an NIH/NLM T15 Biomedical Informatics Fellow at Columbia University. She completed her PhD at Tufts University where she studied how obesity-dependent changes in the breast tumor microenviornment promote tumor growth and metastasis.

Xiaoting Li
Postdoctoral Research Associate
xli at Room Number: NYGC 6th Floor Pod AXiaoting is a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the lab. She completed her PhD at Columbia University where she worked with Prof. Harmen Bussemaker on genetic variant effects on transcription factor regulation. She enjoys playing tennis and baking in her free time.

Alison Sutherland
Postdoctoral Research Associate
asutherland at Room Number: NYGC 626CAlison Sutherland is a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the lab. She received her PhD in Human Evolutionary Genetics from the University of Cambridge, advised by Profs. Maanasa Raghavan and Eske Willerslev. Her research will focus on biological encryption and the permeation of genetic material in soil. Outside of the office Alison enjoys playing hockey and softball, nurturing an ever-growing collection of plants, and volunteering in science outreach with youth.

Ahmed Elhussein
PhD Student
ae2722 at Room Number: NYGC 626AAhmed is a PhD student in Biomedical Informatics at Columbia University. He completed his BA at Cambridge University, MBBS (MD equivalent) at Oxford University and MPH at Johns Hopkins University. He is interested in developing privacy-preserving computational methods in clinical informatics.

Annie Choi
PhD Student
yc3972 at Room Number: NYGC 626BAnnie is a PhD student at the Department of Biomedical Informatics (DBMI) program of Columbia University. She obtained her bachelor’s degree in Molecular Biology from Princeton University. She likes to watch movies and go on scenic walks.

Jacob Blindenbach
PhD Student
jb4816 at Website Room Number: NYGC 623BJacob is a PhD student at the Computer Science department of Columbia University. He graduated from UVA with a BS in Math and CS. He loves swimming and analyzing swimming technique with CS. He also enjoys ragtime / stride piano.

Carlos Angel
PhD Student
carlos.angel at Room Number: NYGC 624CCarlos is a Pharmacology PhD student in Columbia University and jointly mentored by Chao Lu at Columbia Genetics. He obtained my BS in Genomic Sciences (Bioinformatics) at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). His research interests lay in developing computational methods to understand how mutations and disease alter genome topology and epigenetic patterns. Outside the lab you can find him at the gym, listening to kpop or finding new coffee shops in NYC.

Abigail Newbury
PhD Student
amn2217 at Room Number: NYGC 6th Floor Pod BAbby is a PhD student in Biomedical Informatics at Columbia University. She graduated from UVA with a BA in math and a double minor in biology and data science. In her free time she enjoys running, hiking, and listening to podcasts.

Rashid Al-Abri
PhD Student
ralabri at Room Number: NYGC 624ARashid is PhD student in Computer Science at Columbia. He obtained his BS in Computer Science from Stanford University. He is interested in 3D genome, repeat DNA and its regulatory role in the genome. He is an avid cook in the kitchen, and writes spoken word poetry in his free time.

Florent Pollet
PhD Student
ffp2106 at Website Room Number: NYGC 623Florent is a PhD student in Biomedical Informatics at Columbia University. He graduated from PSL University with a MSc in CS and from Paris-Saclay University with a MSc in Applied Math for AI. In his free time, he loves running, biking, and swimming.

Yebin Kim
Visiting PhD Student
ykim at Room Number: NYGC 6th Floor Pod AYebin Kim is a visiting scholar in the G2 lab. She is pursuing her Ph.D. degree in Bioinformatics at Indiana University Bloomington. During her academic journey, she aspires to bridge the gap between traditional medical practices and personalized medicine. Her research interest encompasses developing computational tools that aim to predict an individual’s disease causes or prognosis, thus paving the way for more tailored and effective medical interventions.

Hannah Khanshali
Postbaccalaureate Trainee
hkhanshali at Room Number: NYGC 6th Floor Pod AHannah Khanshali is a Postbaccalaureate Trainee in the lab, through the Post-baccalaureate Early Career Development Program at NYGC in the MacMillan CNSCG. Hannah received her BS in Biology with a minor in Chemistry from Macaulay Honors College at City College. She completed her honors capstone project in Dr. Elham Azizi’s Lab at Columbia BME, focused on spatially profiling T-cell receptor clonotypes in human cancer tissue to resolve tumor-immune interactions. In the future she hopes to pursue a PhD in the intersection of bioengineering, cancer biology, and immunology. In her free time, she loves to practice photography and vocal music. Currently, Hannah is interested in investigating the impact of structural and organizational changes to the 3D genome in cancer.

Chris Allsman
Master's Student
cja2172 at cumc.columbia.eduChris is an MA student in the Department of Biomedical Informatics at Columbia University. They received their BA in Computer Science at UC Berkeley, and have since worked as a software engineer developing tools for application security testing. Outside of school and work, you can find Chris getting a little too passionate about baking, computer science education, and 20th century avant-garde music.

Kae Nurge
Master's Student
kpn2117 at Room Number: NYGC 6th FloorKae is a master’s student in the Department of Biomedical Informatics at Columbia University. She obtained her B.S. in Cellular and Molecular Biology with a minor in Bioinformatics from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. She enjoys playing the guitar, going on runs, and listening to podcasts.

Jeanne Mirone
jm5995 at Room Number: NYGC 6th Floor Pod BJeanne is a intern from the french engineering school Mines de Paris specialized in data science. She enjoy running, swimming and visiting New York!

Susanna Liu
sliu at Room Number: NYGC 6th Floor Pod ASusanna is a post-baccalaureate trainee in the lab. She is interested in functional genomics, genomic privacy, and the 3D structure of the genome. In the future, she hope to pursue a graduate degree combining computational biology, machine learning, and genomics, with a goal of using AI to advance preventative and precision medicine. Outside of the lab, Susanna enjoys creating miniature acrylic paintings, bullet journaling, and working out.